Archetyp Market Reviews / Scam Vendors

Archetyp Market Reviews and Scam Vendors – Check if a Vendor is a SCAM? – Before we go into this article we want to note that DarkFox as of now is not a scam market. While this may change, they are currently safe to use. However, while the market itself is not a scam there are of course a lot of scammers operating out there looking for newbie users. Being new to the Tor markets might not go into your favor. That’s why we decided to create this public community list of all scam vendors operating on this market.

Archetyp Market Reviews


This blacklist is a community project to list all vendors that scam, selectively scam, ship bad product, dox customers, threaten, are LE or have been arrested/compromised by LE. Please use our comments section below to report any Archetyp Market Scam vendor if you believe a vendor should be added to this blacklist.

Germantraffic: SCAM

CrackHeadDom101: Scammer promotion, fake review, fud promotion.

ZeroCoke: Pretends to be TeamSonic Vendor to scam his old customers.

BlackList: New scammer added to the list – he operates in Archetyp. Crime: Has proven to not care about customer opsec by sending customers tracking numbers for other customers orders and makes promises of reships but doesn’t send anything.

Hofmanncrew: This vendor already had a bad reputation of being a selective scammer. He got banned on Alphabay twice for selective scamming. (This guy has scammed me, an LSD package hasn’t gotten here in almost three months already, he has stopped replying to the dispute. I will consider editing this if the package lands, but I really doubt it.) It’s a disgrace that someone would use the name of the great Albert Hofmann just to be a scammer.

BonkerExpress: The legendary scammer of Sankara scamming again with another different
vendor name.

Pygmalion: Take advantage of the right granted to scam customers, so selective scammer.

Blitzversand: Address collector, dread manipulator, multi-vendor account.

DrSmurf: Low Quality Products And Terrible Service.

DutchEnterprises, RoyalDutchBakery and TopShellNL: Take advantage of the privileges that were granted to him as FE to scam user.

r0cc0: Encourage user to make business in his private store to be scammed.

WeAreAmsterdam: It is the typical vendor who accepts impossible orders in order to not ship anything so the customer thinks his order was seized.

tomandjerry: This seller always sneaks into all the markets and frequently scams, taking advantage of both the FE system and people. Many people already know he’s a scammer. He’ll claim he sent it, and after three weeks of receiving nothing, he’ll do a “reship” where you’ll receive something, but only half of it.

If you have been scammed please leave the vendor name in the comment section below. This will be a growing list and we are looking forward to your help.

Please also don’t forget to check out our Detailed Review of Archetyp Market itself.

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