Phobos Search Engine Link

Phobos Search Engine Link – Phobos is one of the many Tor Search Engines on the darknet with a very minimalistic design and simplicity of use. It’s working just like any other search engines we already covered before such as Torch. In order to use this website you need to have Tor Browser already install which I assume many of you do, but still, if you do not you can get yourself one at Tor Software Download page. Once you have Tor Browser installed, copy the link below and paste it into your Tor Browser. Once you entered Phobos, you can search through it just like you could do on Google, by typing a desired keyword.

Phobos Search Engine Link

Phobos Search Engine Link:


What can you search on Phobos?

While Phobos is very easy and fast to search, it’s very limited in what can be searched. There is not a lot of known about this website, who created it and for what reasons, and how many pages it indexes. During our testing period we discovered that Phobos has a nice interface, it’s as previously said very fast and load times are less than 2 milliseconds, it matches the users intent closely but downside is that a lot of websites are either dead or are not updated for years. Most of the things you will find on this website can be disturbing and are illegal, such us drugs, weapons, murder for hire websites and other.

Update: As of two months ago Phobos is not working anymore. The website itself is dead and the only link they had is loading up with an “onion not found” page which is a sign of Tor Browser to display a website which can not be accessed anymore. If you want to continue browsing on the Tor Network, please check out our Onion page on the website for more alternative websites to Phobos.

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