Onion Center Search Engine Link – Onion Center is one of the Tor Search Engines that does not censor anything. The primary goal of this website is to offer quality search for .onion (Tor Hidden websites) while tacking care of users privacy and not censoring search results of it’s website. According to their Terms of Service they state that they do not host any of the content showed on their website and therefore are not responsible for the content in their search index.
Onion Center Search Engine Link:

The website itself is not that much reliable and it’s often down as of 2023. The load times for the search itself are acceptable with a load time of less than 0.2 seconds. There are not a lot of annoying pop-ups and ads and search results are very easy to navigate. Your can filter your search by match, exact match and less relevant search results options. Websites showed once typed desired word are all updated and working and you have an option to add a URL like most of the others website we talked about previosly.