Endchan: Secure and Anonymous Forum

Endchan: Secure and Anonymous Forum – Endchan is a decentralized, user-driven imageboard that stands out in the world of online forums for its commitment to free speech and anonymity. This platform allows users to create and participate in discussions on a wide range of topics without the constraints often imposed by other social media networks. In this article, we’ll delve into what makes Endchan unique, how it operates, and why it has garnered a dedicated user base. Endchan is available both on the clearnet and on the Tor Browser.

Endchan: Secure and Anonymous Forum

Endchan Onion/Tor Link:


What is Endchan: Secure and Anonymous Forum?

Endchan is an imageboard forum where users can post images and text in a variety of boards dedicated to different topics. Unlike many other forums, Endchan does not require user registration, promoting anonymity and free expression. It is run by volunteers and relies on donations to cover operational costs, reflecting its grassroots nature.

Key Features of Endchan

1. Anonymity and Privacy

  • No Registration Required: Users can post and interact without creating an account, preserving their anonymity.
  • Minimal Data Collection: Endchan collects minimal user data, enhancing privacy for its users.

2. Decentralized and User-Moderated

  • Volunteer Moderation: The platform is moderated by volunteers who enforce community guidelines.
  • User-Created Boards: Users can create their own boards on specific topics, giving them control over the discussion environment.

3. Commitment to Free Speech

  • Open Dialogue: Endchan promotes free speech, allowing users to discuss a wide range of topics.
  • Resistance to Censorship: The platform resists external pressures to censor content, staying true to its principles.

Popular Boards on Endchan

Endchan hosts a diverse array of boards, each catering to different interests. Some of the most popular boards include:

  • /pol/: Discusses politics and current events.
  • /tech/: Focuses on technology and programming.
  • /v/: Dedicated to video games and gaming culture.
  • /b/: A random board where users can post about anything.

How to Get Started on Endchan: Secure and Anonymous Forum

1. Navigating the Site

  • Homepage: Start on the Endchan homepage to see featured boards and recent posts.
  • Board Directory: Browse the board directory to find topics that interest you.

2. Creating and Participating in Threads

  • Starting a Thread: Choose a board, click on “Start a New Thread,” and enter your content.
  • Replying to Posts: Click on a thread and use the reply box to contribute to the discussion.

3. Using Multimedia

  • Posting Images and Videos: Attach images or embed videos to make your posts more engaging.
  • Formatting Text: Use basic formatting options to structure your posts for readability.

Community Guidelines and Etiquette

To maintain a positive environment, Endchan has community guidelines that users are expected to follow:

  • Respect Others: Engage in discussions respectfully and avoid personal attacks.
  • Stay On-Topic: Keep posts relevant to the board’s topic.
  • Avoid Spamming: Do not flood the boards with repetitive or irrelevant content.

The Future of Endchan

Endchan continues to evolve, driven by its community of dedicated users and volunteers. As a platform that champions free speech and privacy, it serves as a vital space for those seeking open dialogue without the constraints of traditional social media.


Endchan is more than just an imageboard; it’s a community where users can freely express their thoughts and engage in meaningful discussions. Its commitment to anonymity, decentralized moderation, and free speech sets it apart from other forums. Whether you’re interested in politics, technology, gaming, or just looking for a place to share your thoughts, Endchan offers a unique and welcoming environment. Dive in and discover what this distinctive platform has to offer.

Don’t also forget that there are other forums who value free speach, such as Dread forum. Don’t forget to check it out.

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